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Are genital warts painful? Genital warts are soft growths that appear on the genitals. They're a sexually transmitted infection (STI) caused by certain strains of the human papillomavirus (HPV). Genital warts can cause pain, discomfort, and itching.
Can genital warts kill you? Genital Wart Treatment Unfortunately, no treatment can kill the HPV virus that causes the genital warts. Your doctor can remove the warts with laser therapy or by freezing or applying chemicals. You may need to return to your doctor for more treatment.
Can you treat genital warts at home? Apple cider vinegar may treat genital warts at home. It's similar to prescription medications that use acidic ingredients to kill off the virus. You can soak a Q-tip, cotton ball, or gauze in apple cider vinegar and apply it to the warts.
Is there an over the counter genital wart medicine? Unfortunately, there are no over-the-counter treatments for genital warts on the market today. Prescription drugs and surgery are the most effective treatments for genital warts. Condoms can prevent the spread, but they can still spread to and from areas not covered by a condom during sexual contact.
What are normal genital bumps? Fordyce spots, or sebaceous glands, are small white or yellow-white bumps inside your vulva. These spots are also found on the lips and cheeks. They normally first appear during puberty, and you tend to get more of them as you age.
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