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The addition of an H2RA improved nighttime acid suppression, but concern exists that regular use of such agents may result in tachyphylaxis and, therefore, a limited duration of symptom relief.

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Resulta que los perros son realmente sensibles a cambios sutiles en el comportamiento de los individuos justo antes de una convulsin, dijo Myers.

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Los investigadores evaluaron la orina respecto al BPA y los ftalatos.

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Many of the studies on the pharmacologic treatment of HCM were poorly conducted and were performed decades ago.

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Kelvin Hong, the director of the Johns Hopkins Interventional Radiology Center, said a fourhour operation to treat the condition described by the White House would be unusual.

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WEDNESDAY, Jan. 24, 2018 HealthDay News The worlds first genetically identical monkey clones have been created by Chinese scientists, who say theyve broken barriers to human cloning.

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And being HIVinfected can make some of these infections substantially worse.

Adems de ofrecer pistas sobre cmo podra cambiar el H5N1, el hallazgo podra ayudar a los cientficos a reconocer mutaciones virales importantes a tiempo y alertar a la autoridades de salud acerca del potencial de una pandemia.

The lung cancer death rate for men had peaked and was dropping, but the rate for older women had increased by 400 percent as the effects of smoking caught up to them.

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This opens the door to new areas of brain research related to understanding the specific neurological effects of lactic acid.

Hace aos, los nios jugaban en el patio en el receso o llegaban a casa despus de la escuela y jugaban en sus patios o en las aceras, seal Schiff.

The study of 366 women with periodontitis found that scaling and root planing resulted in as much as an 84 percent reduction in premature births among women who were less than 35 weeks pregnant.

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Although there has been some promising research examining the use of phytosterolcontaining supplements in lowering LDL cholesterol levels, their side effects have not been fully investigated.

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Researchers from Albert Einstein College of Medicine conducted a longterm followup study of a randomized clinical trial designed to determine if modest weight loss through lifestyle changes or treatment with metformin could reduce or delay development of type 2 diabetes in people at high risk.

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